Support for Community Compost in Potsdam, NY (2020)

Each year, about 3.9 million tons of New York’s food waste ends up in landfills. This waste could easily be composted, thus reducing our dependence on landfills. Our study seeks to determine the extent of public support in the Town of Potsdam for building a community compost facility. We are currently collecting data from residents and SUNY Potsdam students about their opinion on the subject of community compost and on possible locations for a compost center. We aim to assess whether there is sufficient public support and willingness to fund a compost center in the Town of Potsdam to warrant moving forward with its construction. 

Kaitlyn Bernhardt is a first-year Environmental Studies Major. 

Vincenzo Bonaiuto is a first-year Environmental Studies Major (BS), with a Wilderness Education Minor.