A DNA Damage Independent Role for a DNA Damage Response Factor (2020)

mRNA 3’ end processing is an essential step in mRNA maturation. 3’ end processing involves two steps – cleavage of mRNA at a specific point and adding a tail structure at the end of the RNA. 3’ end processing is carried out by a large multi-subunit protein complex. Rad53 is a protein involved in the DNA damage response. We show that cell extracts lacking Rad53 behave differently than wild type (WT) cells carrying the Rad53 protein. Wild Type cell extracts are able to cleave and polyadenylate RNA in our in-vitro assay but extracts from cells lacking Rad53 are defective in cleavage, regardless of DNA damage. We analyzed for mRNA processing factor levels in WT extracts and extracts lacking Rad53. However, we don’t see significant changes in processing factor levels, suggesting that Rad53 plays no role in regulating 3’ end processing factor levels, instead regulating mRNA maturation in some other way. 

Yadriel Bracero is a sophomore Biochemistry Major (BS), with a minor in Biology.