The Effects of Transportation Access: Privileged Versus Unprivileged (2020)

Access to transportation in the United States has changed drastically over the years. This change has caused several disadvantages toward specific groups of people while providing protection and privilege for others. We explore, from an intersectional perspective, how access to transportation provides opportunities for privileged Americans. By contrast, those people without reliable and affordable transportation options often miss appointments, are absent from school, or have difficulty obtaining and keeping employment. To illustrate the situation, we offer a brief history of transportation patterns, showing how public policy, both historically and in the present day, has shaped differential access to transportation. Who, exactly, has access to transportation; and who suffers the consequences of going without that same access? Finally, who benefits, overall, from inequalities in this respect? 

The Students of SOCI 462 Team Transportation are: Marissa Bigelow, Kylee Deon, Shavely Ferrer, Indaira Quintana, Madison Underwood, and Nathaniel Yeager.