Exploring Campus Recruitment Methods: A Dive into Social Media (2022)

2nd Place Ram L. Chugh North Country Research & Public Service Award

Employing social media platforms to enhance new-student recruitment is common to all sixty-four SUNY campuses. Our pilot study canvassed the social media platform (SMP) presence on SUNY campuses. We summarized the presence of Facebook (FB), Instagram, and TikTok for all colleges. Sixty-two colleges had a presence on all three platforms. As campus use of FB is nearly ubiquitous, we treated FB-activity as the independent variable in regression analysis. Our analysis shows that Facebook activity, by itself, is a poor predictor for enrollment (R2 0.34, std. err. 4664). Future studies should determine whether other SMPs (or combinations of SMPs) drive enrollment for SUNY colleges. Investigators should create engaging content on SMPs to determine whether enhanced engagement among a target audience can boost enrollment rates of an individual department (e.g., Potsdam’s Biology Department).