Educational Inequalities Among the Rich and Poor in America (2021)

Education, once known as the “great equalizer,” has not fulfilled that promise. Today, the gap between the rich and poor in America is so wide that education cannot possibly compensate for those inequalities (Ornstein 2009). This presentation focuses on educational inequalities in the United States of America, and how disparities in life chance affect a person’s life. We delve into topics such as historical trends in education and unforgiving policies that increased educational inequality, and we identify the groups most affected by these inequalities. Education has an immense impact on other life chances (i.e., employment, housing, and health), and without a solid educational foundation, people often find themselves unable to achieve the “American Dream.” As the gap between rich and poor people’s access to proper education in America continues to grow, it is now more important than ever to recognize these inequalities and, ultimately, dismantle them.  


Students of Sociology 420 Team Education are Madison Brunell, Neisy Dionisio, Logan Kampnich, Brianna Reyes, and Carly Shear